Your love, we express! Is there anything you wanna and dearest family, love? In the distance, or under the eaves, the positive energy of love, we come together and you pass! Postcard Adventure Island for beautiful, free of charge for you to send to your friends and family love their elders, as long as you wish in the pages of address and correct fill in!

     Collection time: May 17th -5 month 31 days

     Activity content:

     1, each account can only choose a game, fill out and submit a revised again later, unable to submit.

     2, game player can fill in for the blessings of family and friends in the electronic postcard transmitting.

     3, in the choice of Adventure Island postcards to send blessings game player, we will select 2000 information to fill in the true, accurate luck game player, according to fill in the delivery address, during the Dragon Boat Festival mailing the real version of the commemorative postcard.

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    Activity name: save the children in Indian

    Participate in activities conditions: more than 13 roles

    Activity time: 2013-05-23 - 2013-06-12

    Activity content: click on the picture on the left during the Indian child button, can challenge the "save Indian children" task every half hour! Enter the activity map, save more children in a limited period of time, the rewards!

    Reward: according to the number of the rescued children will get different gift pack.

    Open the gift packages can be randomly: Jewelry attack reel, one-handed weapon attack reel, reel, reel equipment to strengthen equipment to strengthen, chaotic reel Award

    In addition, also can challenge task accomplishment, completed all the achievements can gain the ultimate prize!

    Achievements: complete the achievements of all can obtain the title and save Indians gift box. Complete all the achievements can be beautiful pig courage medal for 30 days in the accepted [Indian] brave child beautiful pig verve (after 30 days can be converted to permanent, attribute changes), 30 days of small Indian friend chair or 30 days Indian elder brother (two chairs were a)

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  20 expressing love day is coming, love storm "swept" Adventure Island, single you can play a good shot, don't be come unexpectedly love blinded oh! Of course, Cupid is a happy thing. Indoorsman indoorswoman are to be brave, what games were put down, playing 200% of the spirit of love to go outdoors to find love!

      Adventure on the season of love for the islanders cheer, soul reel 100%, S potential reel every flash sale! There are lovely strawberry BABY, radiant drag, flavored lollipop sweetheart dress for your trendsetter temperament bonus oh!

                                                                 Activity time: May 17th 0 -5 on 19 March 24


      Cassandra said that the golden pig, confusing her request for adventure island warrior's help, ask you to help capture! Maybe soon there will be good things happen!

      Activity name: Cassandra's golden pig precognitive dreams

      Activity time: 2013-05-15 ~ 2013-05-28

      Activity content: period, beat in gold beach and the square area of the dream of the pig, will have the opportunity to get him off the golden pig dream box, opened will get all kinds of fun and practical props!

Respect the island adventure game player:

     In order to return to the old customers, Adventure Island Official extraction by a group of older users through the suffix "send" mailbox regression reward mail, please note that check.

     At the same time, please pay attention to send mail suffix ""

     Adventure Island authorities will not in any form and links to get the adventure island user account and password, please pay attention to network security

Adventure Island project group

May 15, 2013

Cassandra said that the golden pig, confusing her request for adventure island warrior's help, ask you to help capture! Maybe soon there will be good things happen!

Activity name: Cassandra's golden pig precognitive dreams

Activity time: 2013-05-15 ~ 2013-05-28

Activity content: period, beat in gold beach and the square area of the dream of the pig, will have the opportunity to get him off the golden pig dream box, opened will get all kinds of fun and practical props!

      NO.6 flame series (Lv80 Fire Wand, flame sword, raging flames blade)

      And ice relative is fire, fire weapons to be worthy of the name is like flaming appearance, its source mainly comes from the treasure box (the legendary monster also burst: such as werewolves, on the low-end game player, it's just a legend, because of its low value), representing the flame series is the fire stick master, department can take, and the attack is very high. The other 112 attack raging flames blade and 118 attack Odin, also became the representative of ho.

      NO.7 (Lv75 undead necromancer staff)

      Because the fire stick is difficult to obtain, the most common weapon master it, than the staff, to design the tip skull became male masters love, of course, its white stick body design industry to attract the girls do not master, by a civilian game player pursued.

      NO.8 blue wooden chair (Lv0 chair)

      The chair has been a hot object adventure island, because the island adventure began to casual games to define, but the earliest popular chair wasn't born when the task was green leisure chair, but the blue wooden chair, the reason is its source (in fact in the treasure island the first station: Pearl Harbor stores can buy, the price of 5000 gold coins) many people out of the new village straight shooter village, did not pay attention to stores, which unlike the leisure chair that flooding. It later became the profiteers goods, a chair can earn at least 20-100 times, and sell well. Small make up also experienced the black business feeling O (∩ ∩ O _)!

      NO.9 three series (Lv50 dragon Yanyue Dao, Cao Jiagong, Sun Jia staff)

      Brush the word into the adventure island, is used to start as a pot cover such low-level weapons, but the most prosperous and the prosperous period, than to open a map of Shanghai, brush Boss centipede phenomenon. Ps: small make up that time really very poor, and a few friends playing adventure, was transferred to the Shanghai warriors pilot is not an ordinary black ah, 1000 gold is really not willing, we finally sent on behalf of the past practice, after the Shanghai map become more and more of the game player preferred upgrade (Lv20-60 can be in the through), brush the centipede is not bug, but each time only 1 people. Centipede in addition to burst three series of weapons and explosive many super potion, so very popular drop! Then miss most is not to brush, but a lot of people at the door waiting in line, the blue wooden chair, sat chatting make fun of, very warm.

NO.10 turban, umbrellas, pan, swimming ring, ski (Lv0-95 toy)

The toy is risky island such casual game features (Xiaobian Adventure Island is the market the last almost all game player dress are different game, no one, it is also a major feature of adventure), these equipment does not attack or Daguai leveling value, but at the battle of Boss did not become the mainstream of the adventure Island initially, the equipment requirements is not very high, so most of the people more than equipment to pursue their own dress features, so the toys became popular, representatives of toys than the thermometer, has always existed, has never been beyond (small series have several of the thermometer, but in the end all sold out o (my.) O). But with the thermometer is minority after all, because access to the thermometer are the basic activities and draw. And the turban, umbrellas, pan, swimming ring, skis and so on can get from the blame, in addition to become the highest point outside the dress toy.

      Adventure Island with us already 8 years, do you still remember those we have mad for equipment? Today Xiaobian to count my heart ten most memorable for you.

      NO.1 nail (Lv80 Odin hand halberds)

      That just opened 3 rpm, adventure island is still young, then an occupation with group attack skills strong (Dragon combo,) formally rise, the occupation was named Dragon Knight, dragoon game player can be seen everywhere, so that the island adventure alias is also called Dragon island. Odin hand halberds were registered the highest gun, and so far, Xiaobian also think Odin is the best warrior weapons. And where the most exciting adventure becomes a natural fire dog Cave (burst Odin's map), all gathering in crowds and groups to team explosive weapons, although the burst rate is very low, but everybody's enthusiasm is high there was no parallel in history. And as the artifact maximum attack (118 attack nails) become Marriott representatives.

      NO.2 (Lv55 Narcissus Narcissus earrings)

      Narcissus earrings, the quality of the blue, deserve. Is almost the same during the popular, because the earrings are full occupation, so that a certain strength of the game player can be said to be one of the. Then the earrings attributes only defense, the difference was not significant, so the selection of earrings eye only. But the narcissus is because of its exquisite design, elegant and noble temperament and won the first prize.

      NO.3 (Lv10 shield cover.)

      The lid of the prevailing originated in the adventure of the peak period, then the novice game player is particularly much, and the shooter village has become a gathering place novice first (because after Pearl Harbor first reach out from the new village at that time is the shooter Village), new favorite map is left out of the shooter village that piece of 4 layer map, then adventure is very harmonious, although the number is numerous, but they are very orderly, from the beginning of the 1 layer gradually upgrade to play, after the 4 layer represents you novice period can be graduated. It happened that the 4 layer of the green mushroom burst pot, as the level of the few shield minimum, most civilian equipment, is necessary equipment for wizards and warriors. Its compact design also match the green young novice stage.

      NO.4 binding (Zhakun helmet)

      As the first will challenge the classic Boss Zhakun, the superior properties as adventure island all game player for most, PS: speaking of Zhakun Xiaobian has never forgotten, through before the Raiders and experience, now Xiaobian can manually 20 minutes over the bar with 2 single 1 task pinch. But I miss is that a group of people together to explore the mysterious with 1 tasks, our perseverance, never give up! I miss is then called on family and friends together to pick ten or twenty challenges, we persist, die endlessly! Then the bar fight off a lot of tombstone (hang) ah ~ but hang also do not go out, inside have a pleasant talk together, cheer for the rest of the people, is also the offbeat fun.

      NO.5 (Lv70 overlord overlord sword) & Ice Lance (Lv90 ice broken magic gun)

      King sword and Odin as one of high grade weapons at the time, but because of its strong name and relatively easy to obtain advantages, once represented a occupation hero. Werewolves are the main source of the time, the werewolf map distribution is open, the monster is scarce, but also absolutely couldn't stop the game player enthusiasm.

      Ice Lance as a 4 RPM after Odin, the most common dragoon weapon nature can not be absent, its shape is also very good. Slightly transparent, compared to the 118 attack Odin is more near to people some. And its value is higher, so the civilians who preferred.

      Rainbow island adventure -- photos hot line, line to celebrate the area, we prepared 10 lucky Award for everyone, winning game player will receive a limited edition Penguin doll, as long as you participate in activities, have the opportunity to receive!

      Scope: Adventure Island region-wide service game player

      Activity content:

      Today, the login rainbow Adventure Island photos (, in the "equipment" section shows create atlas, upload pictures of any equipment (equipment can be all kinds of wonderful attributes, can be matched with the game player and equipment up funny screenshots, can also be written in the description of this piece of equipment or equipment for the meaning of game player the story and so on), we will participate in the activities of the game player, selected 10 game player, respectively deliver limited edition Penguin doll, what are you waiting for, heartbeat as action, hurry to participate in it!

      PS: you must first login upload pictures, winning game player list will be announced at the end of the activity in the rainbow, winning game player through the adventure Island Official Website award channel complete mailing address.

      Activity time:
      2013.5.10 -- 2013.5.26
      Reward: limited edition Penguin doll, a total of 10.
      The winning rule: three ways to get the cute doll Oh, we have to develop their potentials:
      1, by strength (5 in total): browse times up to the first 5 atlas author can obtain the reward.

      (winning tips: what are you waiting for, call friends to enjoy your work!)

      2, listen to me (3 in total): name 3 wonderful comments from all the comments in the game player awards.

      (winning tips: review of remember to log on to the system ha!)

      3, spell character (2 in total): randomly selected from all the upload of game player in the 2 winning game player.

(winning tips: if you upload, there is a chance!)

Note: the same account can only get 1 reward!

     "Rose, rose, I love you to the glorious holy land in May 14th, according to" the most romantic roses on Valentine's Day is coming, the heart of the new covenant, affection, ready to communicate to the TA? Adventure Island love apartment -- hotties camp today hot, open, and we work together to bloom the gorgeous rose romance! Love divine, help you fate pairing!

     The love apartment except for the majority of people continue to offer rare toy bear cap, sofa, dream powder crystal blue cards and other gifts, also launched a grand "at the end, Xiao Ji Ji, Kyrgyzstan, Kyrgyzstan, fierce, fierce, Daji" seven divination tool Oh, hurry to test your today's fortune. According to fortune strength, increased property is also different! In addition, there are magical Eve Lis the bottle, fantasy and lovely!

     Activity time: May 6th 0 -5 on 20 March 24