"Rose, rose, I love you to the glorious holy land in May 14th, according to" the most romantic roses on Valentine's Day is coming, the heart of the new covenant, affection, ready to communicate to the TA? Adventure Island love apartment -- hotties camp today hot, open, and we work together to bloom the gorgeous rose romance! Love divine, help you fate pairing!

     The love apartment except for the majority of people continue to offer rare toy bear cap, sofa, dream powder crystal blue cards and other gifts, also launched a grand "at the end, Xiao Ji Ji, Kyrgyzstan, Kyrgyzstan, fierce, fierce, Daji" seven divination tool Oh, hurry to test your today's fortune. According to fortune strength, increased property is also different! In addition, there are magical Eve Lis the bottle, fantasy and lovely!

     Activity time: May 6th 0 -5 on 20 March 24

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