Activity name: save the children in Indian

    Participate in activities conditions: more than 13 roles

    Activity time: 2013-05-23 - 2013-06-12

    Activity content: click on the picture on the left during the Indian child button, can challenge the "save Indian children" task every half hour! Enter the activity map, save more children in a limited period of time, the rewards!

    Reward: according to the number of the rescued children will get different gift pack.

    Open the gift packages can be randomly: Jewelry attack reel, one-handed weapon attack reel, reel, reel equipment to strengthen equipment to strengthen, chaotic reel Award

    In addition, also can challenge task accomplishment, completed all the achievements can gain the ultimate prize!

    Achievements: complete the achievements of all can obtain the title and save Indians gift box. Complete all the achievements can be beautiful pig courage medal for 30 days in the accepted [Indian] brave child beautiful pig verve (after 30 days can be converted to permanent, attribute changes), 30 days of small Indian friend chair or 30 days Indian elder brother (two chairs were a)

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