      Rainbow island adventure -- photos hot line, line to celebrate the area, we prepared 10 lucky Award for everyone, winning game player will receive a limited edition Penguin doll, as long as you participate in activities, have the opportunity to receive!

      Scope: Adventure Island region-wide service game player

      Activity content:

      Today, the login rainbow Adventure Island photos (http://mxd.abc.sdo.com/gallery), in the "equipment" section shows create atlas, upload pictures of any equipment (equipment can be all kinds of wonderful attributes, can be matched with the game player and equipment up funny screenshots, can also be written in the description of this piece of equipment or equipment for the meaning of game player the story and so on), we will participate in the activities of the game player, selected 10 game player, respectively deliver limited edition Penguin doll, what are you waiting for, heartbeat as action, hurry to participate in it!

      PS: you must first login upload pictures, winning game player list will be announced at the end of the activity in the rainbow, winning game player through the adventure Island Official Website award channel complete mailing address.

      Activity time:
      2013.5.10 -- 2013.5.26
      Reward: limited edition Penguin doll, a total of 10.
      The winning rule: three ways to get the cute doll Oh, we have to develop their potentials:
      1, by strength (5 in total): browse times up to the first 5 atlas author can obtain the reward.

      (winning tips: what are you waiting for, call friends to enjoy your work!)

      2, listen to me (3 in total): name 3 wonderful comments from all the comments in the game player awards.

      (winning tips: review of remember to log on to the system ha!)

      3, spell character (2 in total): randomly selected from all the upload of game player in the 2 winning game player.

(winning tips: if you upload, there is a chance!)

Note: the same account can only get 1 reward!

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